Once upon a time, there was a family with a wild imagination. They where very creative. The animals loved and adored them. Every animal or insect that was injured, homeless or just living in their house, they treated with love and special care. Each animal (or insect) had a name. There was Sylvie the lizard, Pinkie the pink little mouse, Romeo the scorpion, Peter the bird, Peters mother Sari, Peters aunt Marie, the dog Candy and the other dog George, the cockatiel Tweetie, Karl the cricket, Fillmore is Karl's cousin, Karl's 3 children, the two big red crickets named Red and Dangerous, Gertrude the pretty dove and Sylvie's 5 children. Yes they all lived in the house. Candy, George and Tweetie belonged to the people. The other animals and insects where wild but they didn't harm the people in the house. The people that lived in the house were my mother, grandmother, grandfather and I. Each animal has a tale (a story) behind him. Let's start with Sylvie: Amore, my friend, and I where invited to some friends of my mother to have some cake and tea with them. The yard was big, so we decided to play. My mother was in the kitchen with her friends. We found a pile of bricks. As children we wanted to explore, so we jumped on and started to build a castle from the bricks. Underneath one of the bricks sat a little lizard. She was only 5cm long. We grabbed her and put her in a little box full of sand and bushes. That night we brought her home with us. We fed her with crickets we bought at a shop. We kept her for a week, but then Amore had to go home so I put the little lizard at the fountain in our yard. That is when I named her Sylvie. I watched her grow up. I knew it was the same lizard every time because Sylvie had white stripes on her paws and between and around her eyes. Next is pinkie: she is still a baby because she is pink all over. I found her one morning nibbling on my iced tea. She lives under the fridge. Pinkie is a smart mouse. We killed her mother and father with rat poison, but she doesn't want to eat it. We chased her out of the house with a broom but she keeps on coming back. Pinkie likes to travel at night because we find her poop everywhere in the house then I have to clean it up. She now lives under the fridge in the kitchen. I put a piece of cheese under the fridge with poison on. The next morning I went to check if it is still there and it was gone. I thought I got rid of that little mouse for good, but the next morning I found her at my computer. She was smelling the bottle I left there. I tried to catch her but she is to fast. No matter what we do, we cannot kill or catch her. So we gave up and let her run around in the house. That is when we named her pinkie. Now Romeo's story is very mixed up. It was about 2 years ago that I found him. I was playing with my cousin and some dolls. That is when we found 2 flat rock scorpions. They are harmless. They just really hurt when they sting you. I called my grandfather to help us take them away. We had put them in a container. I wanted to keep them as pets but my grandfather threw them out. Before he did, I put ink on one of them. My grand father threw them into the road. The next week I found that same scorpion with the mark on him in our bathroom. My grand father threw him out again. The scorpion just kept on coming back. My mother said we should leave him in the bathroom. I went and did some research on the internet about him. I found out that he is not dangerous at all. I named him Romeo. As I watched him grow up in our bathroom I started to like him more and more. One morning he was not in the bathroom where he usually sits. I thought he had gone and looked for a family. A week later I found out that my grandmother got scared of him and she stepped on him. He was hiding in her bathroom. I had to bury him in our backyard. It was a big funeral. Sylvie was also there. She lived at the hut, and that is where the funeral was. Our next little friend is Sari. My grandfather found a little baby sparrow in the backyard. She was so cute and small. We named her Sari. We noticed her by the stripes on her back. She always comes and sits at Tweetie's bowl to eat. We saw another sparrow that always comes to eat at Tweetie's bowl. We named her Marie because she looked just like Sari. My grandfather had to come and fetch me at school one afternoon. He drove over a sparrow and it looked like Marie. The next week Marie didn't come to eat at Tweetie's bowl. I knew my grandfather drove over her. It was very sad. A few months went past and I noticed Sari had built a nest in our yard. Inside the nest was a little egg. Every day I went out to see if the egg had hatched. Eventually the egg hatched and a little bird was jumping around. I named him Peter. That is where he comes in. we watched him day after day while he was growing up. He came and ate with his mother at Tweetie's bowl. I don't know how but somehow the little bird managed to loose his tail. Luckily it is busy growing back now. But it is still short and funny. He likes to sit at Tweetie and eat. Tweetie can say a few words but not a lot. Now Peter can sit and eat while listening to Tweetie talk to him. A year later ha also built a nest exactly where his mothers nest was. Candy is my dog. I bought her with my money. There were only two puppies left. My aunt took us because I wanted a dog. My cat just died so I wanted a puppy. I took the smallest. And my aunt took the last born dog. My mother left me with my aunt and went to the bathroom. That is when my aunt swopped the two dogs. We took the last born dog. They are usually the weakest and the smallest. That is why my aunt didn't want the dog. So she gave him to me. My mother didn't notice till the next morning, but there was nothing we could do about that. So we just had to sit with Candy the kittle runt. We named the dog after me. My name is Candice. My friends also call me Candy or Candy-floss. When Candy was 2 I put her on the drawer. My mother called me and I ran out leaving Candy on the drawer. She wanted to run after me but fell off. She fell on her head and got serious brain damage. She spent the night at the vet. I was very sad and sorry. A few weeks after that my niece came and said we are going to see Kurt Darren. As I rushed out to the car I stepped on Candy' head. We had to rush to the vet again. Now she has a lot of brain damage. She isn't the smartest dog ever or the biggest, but she is very cute and I love her. My grandmother and grandfather usually sleep in the house in winter. So one night some useless people decide to break in. they start to take off the burglar bars in front of the window. So Candy runs to the living room and starts to bark. Grandfather woke up and went to investigate. When they saw him they jumped up and ran away. That night my mother gave her a steak that was twice the size of her. She is a little Doberman Pincher dog. She is also a little hero. Small or not small, last born or first, ugly or pretty no matter what or who you are, you can always be special and good at something in your own way. My next friend is George. He was given to me by my dad. I was 6 months old. He was born on is 19 March 1998 and I was born on 24 April 1998. So he is just as old as me. In dog years he is now 77. In 3 months and 20 days he will be 12 and in dog years 84. He is really old. He is like a spoiled brat. When he has a headache we give him a disprin and when he gets scared we let him sleep in the house. He has to sleep on his two pillows with his teddy bear next to him. His blanket has to be put around him in a right way or he will bite. He has no tail (or brain), because he chases his tail which is 3cm long. He barks at clouds and he chases birds while they are flying. If we have guests who bring their animals, he gets very jealous. He can also be a very sweet dog. He will also give his live to protect Candy. She is like a sister to him. He almost did give his life for her. We where standing at the gate with the two dogs and I said goodbye to my friend. The bigger dogs from across the road charged over into our yard. The dogs wanted to grab Candy but George attacked them from behind. There where two big dogs. While George attacked the one dog, the other dog came and grabbed George from behind. She carried him back to her yard and nearly ate him alive. Her owner called her in. she left him there and ran in. I grabbed candy and ran into the house, she was hurt very bad. My friend tried to calm me down but I was panicking about George to much. After this mixed up story Candy had to get 2 stitches and Georg had 19. So these two dogs are pretty close. They are just like family to each other. Tweetie the human bird: H was 3 months old when I got him. He was a Christmas present. I brought him home and treated him like a child. I fed him pre chewed cookies out of my mouth just like his real mother. He fell asleep with me on my bed. I would rock him to sleep in my arms. He is 4 years old nom. His birthday is on 8 September 2005. He is so cute. Because I raised him he thinks he is a human. He walks threw the house when we are busy. He has a lot of bad luck but more good luck. Because he fell into my mothers coffee one day because she lets him drink it when it is cold. It was not cold then and he jumped in. He burned off all his feathers and he was as red as a tomato. And then when he was two he sat in the kitchen, then something frightened him and he flew into the mat. His foot hooked in it and he tried to run and broke his leg. He had to wear a cast for a few weeks. Then the most worst was when he flew from my shoulder. I took him out of his cage one afternoon when I came from school. I walked up to the door and just when I wanted to walk in, he decided to fly. He opened his wings and took off. I thought he would fly into the wall, but he flew straight over it. I ran out the gat and went to search for him. When we say his name he answers or says hallo. We where searching in our neighbors yard. My mother called to him 3 times. The 4th time he answered. My mother followed his little voice. She found him in the hands of an old man running with him down the street. He was running with a lady next to him. My mother shouted to them and they stopped. We where so glad that we found him. We put him in the cage and went to the vet to cut his wings. Because once when my mother tried to cut our budgies wing she accidently killed him, so we would rather let the vet do it. When we where done cutting his wing we remembered that we where supposed to get my cousin from school. He is in grade 7, next year in grade8. We rushed back to the school to get him. Thanks to Tweetie he was mad at us for a week. We are just very glad we got him back. Yes so that is the story about Tweetie. Karl the cricket: He is cricket I found in the bathtub. He was no smaller than a breadcrumb. I put him in a box and kept him there for a few weeks. He grew up in the box. When he was a little older I let him go. I think he wanted to have revenge that is why he keeps on making noises the whole night. I even tried to chase him with a shoe. So that is how we know him. But know he has a cousin named Fillmore. Fillmore is a black cricket. He lives next door at the neighbors. Then Karl had three children but we don't know who the mother is. I discovered them in the bathtub a few days ago. They look just like Karl. We didn't name the three children yet but maybe someone else will get a name for them. So when Karl dies I will at least have a part of him left, or three. The next two ugliest insects in the world. A big red cricket. Our family comes together every Friday night. So when we went to dish up for us my grandmother notice the big cricket and she yelled. My mother got toilet paper and took the ugly things out. They where huge. The next morning we found them under the rug. We had to chase them out again. They just kept on coming back into the house. They had hidden in Candy's basket once. Then after that they jumped in under my bed. I didn't want to get out of bed. They scared me and I hated them. We gave them names and let them stay under the fridge or outside. Red and Dangerous where the names of the crickets. They where ugly. Last week we found Fillmore and red in the dog's drinking bowl. They where dead when I took them out. I tried to save them but they where already gone. I think Red got mad at Fillmore and attacked him. Then they fell into the water and died. Now Dangerous lives under the fridge with Pinkie. Last but not least it is Gertrude the dove. She is always with Tweetie. We found her as a baby and put her in our backyard. She visits Tweetie every day. I think Tweetie is in love with her. He talks to her a lot more than he does to Peter or Sari. She must like him to because she is right next to his cage every day. At this moment while I am writing this story, Tweetie is sitting behind me telling me all about his day and about Gertrude in his own weird language. The last thing I want to tell people is that they should not be afraid of things they do not know.
Seems you have your own Zoo at home.:)
ReplyDeleteAlways remember, Animals are also God's creatures.
Love and protect them.