Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tiger Prince



My story is about a tiger who became a prince. He had an ugly past, he ran away and grew up. Scar try to kill him but he failed. He had a wife and two kids. Then he ran away again. He returned after a few weeks. His tribe was destroyed by humans. It was up to Gazar to save them. He was captured as well. Two lions saved him. They made their own tribe. They went to find Max. Gazar almost lost his life. When they came back Gazar met his mother again. He lost his father but found his tribe. He also regained his honor and trust.

Once upon a time there was a little Tiger prince born on a sunny day. His name was Gazar. He was a playful cub. But when he grew up he was full of rage and anger. Nobody liked him because he was mean. When he grew bigger he realized he was doing wrong. He wanted to apologies but they turned their backs on him. Gazar ran away, never to be found. He found shelter in the wild. After two years in the wild, Gazar had a lot of friends. He never wanted them to know his past. Gazar knew they would find out some day. He was also prepared. Marge, his wife, was very sweet. They had two kids, Lila and Max. His wife always tried to talk about his life, but every time Gazar had an excuse. Every year a competion was held to see who is going to be the king. "This year . . . the winner is . . . Gazar." Proclaimed the judge. Everybody was excited except Gazar. He was afraid that this will happen because he will loose control over having so much power. He wanted to run away but he was surrounded by guards. One night Gazar finally got the chance to run away. He ran deep into the jungle. When the tribe found out he was gone, they had to choose Scar to be the new king. Scars was evil and tend to be like Gazar, when Gazar was young. Only Scar was worse. Scar wanted to chase after Gazar to kill him. He wanted to be sure Gazar doesn't return. One late afternoon Scar sneaked out and went looking for him. He searched high and low. He found Gazar resting in a tree. Scar sneaked into the branches. Then just when he was facing the sleeping Gazar, he lifted his paw and threw Gazar on the ground. Scar made his way down the tree, while watching Gazar struggle in pain. Then Scar said: "Surprise to see me?" He jumped down and laughed. "What do you want, Scar?" Gazar asked with fear. Scar lifted his paw and just as he was about to bring his paw clashing down on Gazar, Gazar hit him in the eye. It started raining in the middle of the fight. While Gazar was resting his head on a rock, Scar walked around him filling his head with stories. Gazar imagined he was home with his wife. He heard a voice telling him to fight and not give in. Gazar jumped around, hitting Scar flat on his back. He jumped on Scar and said "Leave my family alone!" Just then the lightning struck a nearby branch and came down in flames. Gazar got a fright and hid behind a tree. The branch came down on top of Scar. As the branch struck down, Scar who was trying to escape, got killed. Gazar, who was still sitting under the tree, waited for the rain to stop. At that moment all off a sudden a little branch above Gazar fell down. It knocked poor Gazar out cold, for the whole night. When he woke up, the following morning, he found himself in the caring hands of two strange lions. He jumped up and was very confused. The two strangers explained the whole story. Gazar thanked the lions and ran off. When he found his tribe he was shocked. His tribe was trashed by humans. Gazar got the scent of a little cub. He found Max, scared hiding behind a cave. Max described the boxes they were put in. Gazar went searching for the green crates. He discovered a huge object that looked like a cave. He was curious and decided to have a closer look. As he entered, he discovered the green crates. He stood in front of the green crates. Gazar heard a noise, he turned around and found a human standing behind him with a net. He growled and bit the human on his legs. The human dropped his net and ran away. Gazar tried to open the crates, but it was difficult. He pulled and pulled. Lila was shouting for help and banging the crates. Gazer tire and fell against the crates. Then the doors open to the inside. The whole tribe came running out, following Gazar to new grounds. They lived at that same spot for a few weeks. It was really beautiful! What they didn't know was that the humans where watching them. One silent night the humans went down to the tigers. They wanted to take the tigers to America. They took most off the tigers without making a sound. One of the humans recognized Gazar and tied him up. "You take the other one!" Just then Gazar woke up, he jumped and growled. The humans had tied him to a tree. They put a muzzle on his wife. Gazar wanted to save her but they were to fast. Gazar and some other tigers were left behind. When the humans left Gazar went mad. He scratched the trees and ropes. Jumping up and down he kept on hurting himself. Just when the sun went down and he started relaxing. The rope was almost broken. Tired as he was, he still pulled the rope. Later that night the rope snapped. He helped a few of the others escape. They ran to the top of a hill, they saw a bright light. They slowly approached. When they came close they saw tigers in cages. The humans were sleeping. He looked at them with fear and then anger. One of the tigers kicked a cage door open. The humans woke up and managed to capture Gazar. Gazar, as a good leader, demanded everybody to run. Just Gazar, his wife and Lila were stuck in cages. The other tiger were free and didn't care about Gazar and his family. Luckily the human's truck broke and they were stuck till help arrived. One morning, while the humans were sleeping, two lions walked past. The same lions that rescued Gazar. They recognized him and wanted to help. "Hi, you need a paw?" They asked. "Yes please." Gazar replied. "Just don't wake that thing!" Gazar said while pointing at the humans. The lions silently opened the cages. As a reward Gazar let them join the tribe. All of them went to look for the others, to tell them the great news. After a few days they came across the watering hole. They decided to make their own tribe and live at the watering hole. Gazar and his wife had another child, Carla. Gazar finally decided to tell his wife about his past. Now there is only one problem, finding Max. Gazar knew Max would run away from the tribe. Lila said that he wouldn't run far, because he is afraid. They went out searching for him, they found him trying to escape a crocodile. Gazar jumped in front of the crocodile. The crocodile snapped at Gazar. Gazar lifted his paw, but was hit against a rock by the crocodile's tale. The lions wanted to look at the cuts on his back. They send Max to get special leaves. They used long leaves as bandages. They also made some medicine for him to drink. Max growled and the crocodile ran away. They where lost in the jungle. They couldn't find the tribe or the watering hole. They followed a path in the jungle. They walked for days. They came across a berry bush. It was the only food they could find for miles. The lions made a basket and filled it with berries. While walking, Gazar ran into his mother. He was really glad. "Where is dad?" Gazar asked with a smile. His mother looked sad. She explained how his father died. Both of them started crying. After a while his mother showed him to the tribe. He introduced them to the lions. A year passed. He was elected king once again. All of them where glad and lived happily ever after.